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Regional Offices

Greater Yellowstone/ Southern Youth Branch

[Image Description: An expansive view of the snow capped peaks with rolling, green hills and fields of bright yellow flowers in the foreground.]

Jesse Pruden - Field Coordinator

Jesse Pruden - Field Coordinator

Jesse was born and raised in northwestern New Jersey, spending a lot of time in the swamp across the street, chasing tree frogs and lightning bugs. She followed this passion into her bachelor’s degree, studying general ecology with a research focus on forest, fire, and wildlife ecology. Jesse graduated from the Center for Earth and Environmental Science program at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh in 2019. She then moved to central Alabama for her first Americorps term with the Student Conservation Association as a burn crew member. She fell in love with fire, and conservation corps “crew life” life very quickly. Following her season as a burn crew member in Alabama, she headed out to Quincy, California for an Americorps term with Great Basin Institute on a forestry/timber crew. Then came two consecutive Americorps terms with the Student Conservation Association as a burn crew member for Minnesota TNC then back to Alabama (USFS and TNC). After getting her feet under her in prescribed fire knowledge, as well as certificates and confidence, Jesse moved to Colville, Washington to join a 20-person Type 2 IA Handcrew with the Washington Department of Natural Resources as a crew member. Jesse’s second season with the crew (North Columbia Handcrew) she received her promotion as a permanent Squad Boss which she held for two fire seasons. Jesse always had an idea that she would get back into the conservation world and feels most at home when she is surrounded by the like-minded people that conservation corps brings together. She feels the most at home in the natural world and is looking forward to continuing to share that love with MCC.