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Field Program

[Image Description: Two MCC members taking a brief break; one is sitting on a rock, the other is standing nearby. They are both in their uniforms, looking out at the expansive, mountain view surrounding them.]

Life at Norris

A scene of a small creek winding through a meadow, with a pink sky in the background

Life at Norris campground is quite the peculiar one if you ask me. As our crew settles into camp and the group norms form, the peace to truly be yourselves can be seen flowing so smoothly within our little group. Norris is closed to the public, so the neighbors we will have consist of the sweetest camp hosts, Joe and Lois, and groups of researchers and other park employees. 

Last week there was snow and grizzlies and this week there was sun and grizzlies. This campground is home for the next few months and it’s everything we never knew we needed. The trees that surround us will soon be accustomed to our morning PT runs, the smell of coffee, and the evenings full of fire, good food, music from Mars, and pure bliss. 

Today, the bliss comes from the water being turned on at camp meaning fully functioning toilets and running water in the sink. Funnily enough yesterday our bliss came from the porta-potties being emptied. Honestly, out here it really is the little things and all those little things add up. This life is not for everyone but man, am I glad it chose me.