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Field Program

[Image Description: Two MCC members taking a brief break; one is sitting on a rock, the other is standing nearby. They are both in their uniforms, looking out at the expansive, mountain view surrounding them.]

Becoming the Yellow Belly Weasels

A crew stands smiling in front of a beautiful mountain vista.

From Bozeman to 30 minutes outside Jackson Wyoming, in Wilson Wyoming. We could still see snow on top of the Teton peaks in late June! Our crew and I worked with Friends of Pathways in Black Canyon on a biking/hiking trail for a week working on making new switchback trails going further down the trail each day. Our crew averaged 50 miles going back and forth for the week. As the week continued we gained knowledge and skill of working on the trails.

The weather was excellent. Going from the sun beaming down to being shaded by the clouds. On the hiking trail, there were still spots of snow which made the hiking experience a lot more fun. Throughout the week we saw wildlife from Chipmunks to Moose, from Marmots to Hawks, and other species of birds. The Black Canyon trail is a beautiful trail to hike and biking trail.