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Field Program

[Image Description: Two MCC members taking a brief break; one is sitting on a rock, the other is standing nearby. They are both in their uniforms, looking out at the expansive, mountain view surrounding them.]

Our Time at Fish Lake

The flight in on our three-seater bush plane to Fish Lake was awe-inspiring for some but nerve-wracking for others. Despite our feelings about plane rides, we could all agree that the flight offered amazing views. While flying up Blodgett Canyon we admired peaks, creeks, hidden lakes, and natural arches. 

When we arrived, the ol’ cabin *smack* provided a beautiful view, shelter, and hidden treasures. From old-school oil lamps *smack* to scavenger hunts. The lake and nearby creek *smack* *smack* was buzzing with wildlife. As a WRT team, our task was to inventory *smack* and treat invasive weeds. Despite the traffic *smack* *smack* from planes and the few groups that hike out, there were virtually no weeds to be found. 

Where the weeds were lacking the wildflowers were not, they were out in full force *smack*. We got to hiking, clearing, brushing, and revamping many of the nearby trails. Our time at this special place will not be easily forgotten but one thing we won’t be missing is all those pesky mosquitoes *smack* *smack*!