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Field Program

[Image Description: Two MCC members taking a brief break; one is sitting on a rock, the other is standing nearby. They are both in their uniforms, looking out at the expansive, mountain view surrounding them.]

A Haiku (or Two) a Hitch

A Stihl chainsaw sitting on a log

Poker played in rig
During a lightning stand-down
Betting gummy worms

Post work adventures
Went looking for the bear den
But went the wrong way

One day, three IRs
Slipping on trees, chains, and roads
Pizza’s not good news

Oreos secured
Nine packs, nine people, nine days
Java chip is best

A life jacket found
In the middle of the road
Used for stream crossings

Toddler dinner
Chicken nuggets, tater tots
Pickles, bitchin sauce

A small shirt was made
New Americorps member
Toni is welcomed

Beautiful sunsets
Seen from glances to the west
Between ERS

I ate the tofu
Even though it was puffy
And still I felt fine

Woke up before four
Starting early when it’s cool
Still sweating by six

Slow rig-up today
Camped out at Avalanche Gulch
Dry ice water bomb

Hiking, more hiking
Log out Narytime, they said
Saw didn’t come on