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Field Program

[Image Description: Two MCC members taking a brief break; one is sitting on a rock, the other is standing nearby. They are both in their uniforms, looking out at the expansive, mountain view surrounding them.]

Fishies Take on the Trail

A view of a cleared trail

In typical MCC fashion, each morning every crew completes a sequence of stretches specially formulated to meet the needs of our aching bodies. Each stretch specifically targets a part of the body used for the wide array of work done by each crew. The sequence starts small with high knees, to hacky sacks, to leg swings, and works its way up to planks, lunges, and squats. Completing the whole stretch circle cycle typically takes 20 to 30 minutes, and is usually completed in silence with the leader calling out the next stretches. 

That's how the mornings usually went until our beloved crew member Jack shared with us a sweet sweet tune. “Rise and shine and give god your glory! Children of the lord!” This sweet sweet tune has been sung every morning to get the fish crew sooo pumped for the day. It has become a part of our stretch circle routine and truly awakens the mind and engages us for a whole day of work. As we sing our song it is accompanied by a few simple dance moves which truly enhance our mornings. Some mornings the singing just continues and all through the stretch circle we are singing our favorite songs together harmonizing here and there. I would consider it a freelance acapella. This morning ritual brings our crew together and always provides some much-needed laughter and community into the groggy early mornings. Rising and shining is what the fish crew does best along with our newly acquired trail-building skills.