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[Image Description: The sun peeks over a mountain range in the distance. In the forefront, pine trees, bushes and undergrowth are illuminated by the light.]

Paul Busch Northern Rockies, 2006-2007

 Paul Busch Northern Rockies, 2006-2007

Paul Busch was a gifted athlete, a philosopher, and well-loved brother, son, and friend. He was an excellent fly fisherman, hiker, climber, and skier. Loved by everyone in the universe, he certainly loved life and lived it to the fullest every day. He had a pixie-ish sense of humor and loved pranks but was never unkind to anyone.

Paul came to Montana as an AmeriCorps member with MCC and stayed on with the Forest Service as a Wilderness ranger, which allowed him to tromp through the forest everyday with his buddy Kyle and his amazing dog, Fred. Paul was very much a lover of nature. He appreciated the commonality of natural elements, but perhaps more so the diversity of nature which makes all things unique. He loved the rocks, the trees, the rippling streams and cloud-dotted blue sky. Whether it be Montana, Missouri, the Mission Mountains, or anywhere on earth, his spirit has been released to join in that force.