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Youth Program

[Image Description: A MCC member stands on an overlook, looking out at the mountainous landscape. They are wearing their uniform and holding a seed dispersal tool.]

Sunshine in the Rain

Two youth members face a sunset

On returning to our campsite after a long, wet day of project work, we found that our campsite had turned into one giant puddle. Our tents had been flooded. The rain was merciless.

However, I did not hear a single complaint or see any signs of despair from our youth. Instead, it was all hands on deck. We began digging trenches to divert the water and helped our neighbors in the worst spots move their tents. Through the downpour, you could hear endless laughter, jokes, and offers of help. This solidarity from my crew lifted my spirits and made us feel strong in the face of disaster.

Once the storm abated, we enjoyed a brilliant sunset together, where we felt closer to one another because of our shared struggle.